Smooth Jazz

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Home » Too Busty To Hide » Smooth Jazz
Smooth Jazz
  • 2 years ago, by @benthany Hey cool dress :D
  • 2 years ago, by @Anthony-waltzs I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating
    • 2 years ago, by @jas0nmask But punish her in bed
      • 10 2 years ago, by @OEnvyus I mean I expect her to clean up after. I'm not a monster.
    • 2 years ago, by @the_other_account_fr I get the meaning but nah, I'd rather sleep alone than sleep in crumbs. It's very tempting ngl but nah there are limits. We don't joke with the crackers in bed.
      • 10 2 years ago, by @HarryDeekolo I mean I expect her to clean up after. I'm not a monster.
    • 2 years ago, by @Corvan_Danavis Couldn't have put it better myself
  • 2 years ago, by @boobsrbest That's the kind of beauty that makes you trip on absolutely nothing as you're walking by.
  • 2 years ago, by @jesusgov Binary please?
    • 2 years ago, by @Flipflopjohnny Eeffocsevolzzaj Search that backwards
      • 7 2 years ago, by @dojg1 this is a better way of doing things