Pretty Dress

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Pretty Dress
  • 6 years ago, by @primeleo Name??
  • 6 years ago, by @swiss_treatz Name?
  • 6 years ago, by @OliverKlozoff1269 New phone, who dis?
  • 6 years ago, by @ynwajft9696 Looks like half her body weight in is her chest! Would be a challenge to keep balance
    • 6 years ago, by @welpymcwewladson Yep, and despite that she has good posture, she's clearly worked on strengthening her back muscles to counterbalance the boob weight. There's a lesson here for all the ladies who immediately choose the nuclear option of a breast reduction just because their back hurts - get in the gym and do some seated rows and rear flys and you won't have to dispose of your miracles! (this is a meta boob joke btw, I realise for some the back pain is unbearable and it's tragedy for us all when there's no choice but to chop them off :( )