I'm Natural & New Here… And Nervous
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AKA /r/Titties
.There are currently 8285 pictures and videos added to the
category.Titties is for those who love titties and want to share photos of their own titties. Busty girls post your favorite titties or, better yet, post your own titties. Show us your titties!
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5 years ago, by @Kylar_S
no need for nerves youre beautiful
- 5 years ago, by @WanderlustinLily Thank you
- 5 years ago, by @IamIUrU
5 years ago, by @gatorrick73
Don't be nervous, you will do great here! You look amazing, thx for sharing!
5 years ago, by @Brainvanquish
Thank you for the encouragement:)
- 1 5 years ago, by @gatorrick73 No problem. You look great!
5 years ago, by @Brainvanquish
Thank you for the encouragement:)
5 years ago, by @kilted_dave
Damn those are perfect tits
5 years ago, by @t0ssfar
Thank you!
- 1 5 years ago, by @bb8c3por2d2 You're very welcome
5 years ago, by @t0ssfar
Thank you!
5 years ago, by @Skinnydog87
And they are WONDERFUL!!!
- 5 years ago, by @amoussaguido There's more where that came from
5 years ago, by @SH00BIE_91
No need to be nervous :) you’re appreciated and welcome here with those gorgeous tits(:
- 5 years ago, by @huperguy16 Thank you:)
5 years ago, by @Krackajak78
So I should post more? Lol
- 5 years ago, by @fy314 Of course! You have great tits!