Black And White

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Home » Titties » Black And White
Black And White
  • 4 years ago, by @donalddonald78 unless the model recently got a horrendous this is Photoshopped to SHIT.The shape of the breast on the right is and photoshop-wise there are SO many obvious cheats used in the lighting.Jesus Christ. Do better. Edit: JESUS-TITTY-FUCKING-CHRIST LOOK AT HER FUCKING ARM. What in the actual fucking shit is that?!Makes you realize that both breasts are horrendously photoshopped.If I had my way, I’d have op’s fingers cut off so he/she could never again plague the world with this insulting mediocrity. Fuck yourself. 2nd Edit: in my anger about the total hack-job editing the tits and the monstrosity that is the subject’s I totally forgot to mention that whoever created this digital abortion CUT HER FUCKING NIPPLE OFF. WHAT IN THE FUCK?! JUST FUCKING LOOK AT IT. -If OP paid someone to edit this, I hope he/she/it make the correct decision and sucks bullets. -If you, the account holder are the one responsible: I’m a-comin for them fingies!!! Yours forever, and fuck you.
  • 4 years ago, by @ItalianPony Phenomenal. Absolutely amazing.
  • 4 years ago, by @FuzzyBee85 Great photo of a beautiful model.
  • 4 years ago, by @fitzy3705 God damb you are amazingly beutifull
  • 4 years ago, by @901BRUHIN707 Beautiful