Blows My Mind How Firm They Are For Their Size

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Home » Tessa Fowler » Blows My Mind How Firm They Are For Their Size
Blows My Mind How Firm They Are For Their Size
  • 3 years ago, by @Enreekay
  • 3 years ago, by @martindaniels333 She’s
  • 3 years ago, by @titsfordayyyyys You can visually assess firmness? Please, tell me more.
    • 3 years ago, by @DavidA-wood It’s a reddit post of a topless woman, got nothing better to do? And if from this photo you can’t tell they’re more firm and full than most girls her size then I don’t know what to say, seems pretty self explanatory
      • 1 3 years ago, by @AccntForMe Name checks out
      • 1 3 years ago, by @jerkin2bigtits Firm as in soft marshmallows instead of bags of water. Every boob is different. They differ slightly.
    • 3 years ago, by @Tiervexx Yeah, can someone tell me what it means when a dude says boobs are "firm?" Boobs are really soft unless they have hard
      • 1 3 years ago, by @JustinCaseysLate Firm as in soft marshmallows instead of bags of water. Every boob is different. They differ slightly.