Attempted To Sketch Tessa

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Tessa Fowler

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Home » Tessa Fowler » Attempted To Sketch Tessa
Attempted To Sketch Tessa
  • 2 years ago, by @bedtym69 Etsy dude /
  • 2 years ago, by @Blowitzzz Excellent job. You may not like me for this but you really could complete the boobs but not the head lol?
    • 2 years ago, by @emode1121 I thought it looked okay unfinished.
  • 2 years ago, by @DPPThrow45 You did an incredible job
  • 2 years ago, by @tracyisagod It's so good!
  • 2 years ago, by @leave_me_alone_989 He should work for the Disney Animation Studio . Put some fire into that company .
  • 2 years ago, by @Nfected123 Well done!
  • 2 years ago, by @mgush5 Wheres the rest of her gorgeous body?
    • 2 years ago, by @Dudeahh0751 Not enough paper in the world.
  • 2 years ago, by @daddyd1983 Nailed the boobs and nipples
  • 2 years ago, by @_Jezus Nice job!!! Looks great!!!
    • 2 years ago, by @nage_ Thank you
  • 2 years ago, by @Flaszka The main objective seems to be captured.