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5 years ago, by @zbeshears
If this was real her tits would be bigger and better looking I imagine. They look like they’d be really nice tits in all the pics I’ve seen of hers.
- 5 years ago, by @Oscar-Wilde-1854 Or not though lol the magic of bras can be pretty god damn impressive and you cant ever see her nipples so who knows what they look I'm by no means saying she has ugly I obviously haven't seen them either! I'm just saying you can't ever be too sure based on a whole lot of bra/ bikini pics! So I For Maybe she should just pop em out for a bit?
- 5 years ago, by @jupiterwept That’s one really awful fake. It’s like the photoshopped never looked at her body before.
5 years ago, by @Corralis
Is that another 'fake' shot of Niece Waidhofer?
5 years ago, by @Magus6796
photoshop as fuck; that face is done so poorly that it's actually quite creepy
- 15 5 years ago, by @Corralis I mean it's certainly impressive photoshopping if you ask me but I do get that her face looks a little weird
5 years ago, by @Magus6796
photoshop as fuck; that face is done so poorly that it's actually quite creepy