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5 years ago, by @De_Obliviator
You want some advice? 1. Get a better camera.2. Get good photo-taking skills.
5 years ago, by @4aptor
1. I'm not the photographer. 2. I'm not the photographer. I'm just sharing what I found. I'm sure she has higher quality and resolution photos but I'm not willing to pay $500/month to access them.
- 2 5 years ago, by @De_Obliviator You sounded like you were. Sorry.
5 years ago, by @4aptor
1. I'm not the photographer. 2. I'm not the photographer. I'm just sharing what I found. I'm sure she has higher quality and resolution photos but I'm not willing to pay $500/month to access them.
- 5 years ago, by @Theallmighty789 kind of looks like a still from a :O