Natasha Tikhomirova
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- 5 years ago, by @ichronic420
- 5 years ago, by @GoonVV Daaaammnn
- 5 years ago, by @starlight_nightmare Damn hot
5 years ago, by @Johnsonatorrr90
Tattoo is crazy good.
- 5 years ago, by @Thepopehassex2 It's very good for a tattoo The best tattoo is no tattoo
- 5 years ago, by @windxtor Great nipples
5 years ago, by @dmolol
Why are the Russians always so god damn crazy hot.
5 years ago, by @JohnIan101
The answer to your question is, The Viking incursions and settlements of many parts of Russia. In fact the name Russia comes from the Swedish Viking people’s called the Rus. They’re hot But when they hit the wall they hit the wall!
- 1 5 years ago, by @rnh0738 **only get to see** you mean *Soviet anthem intensifies*
- 1 5 years ago, by @goldie6905 When I was traveling around I saw a good share of hot Russian girls with dumpy looking Russian guys. I think our perception of hot is closer to their perception of average, which would mean Russian girls on average are more attractive. I’ve also noticed this with Asian girls, though with them it’s “cuteness” instead of “hotness”
- 23 5 years ago, by @RaheemSabastian Also, getting naked isn’t as lucrative as it use to be, so women in places were a dollar goes a lot farther have more incentives.
5 years ago, by @losttop
Because we gently only see the good ones posted. Don't get me wrong there are lots of beautiful Russian women but they have their share of fugly women too.
- 1 5 years ago, by @Nolasolo **only get to see** you mean *Soviet anthem intensifies*
- 1 5 years ago, by @Alex-Murphy When I was traveling around I saw a good share of hot Russian girls with dumpy looking Russian guys. I think our perception of hot is closer to their perception of average, which would mean Russian girls on average are more attractive. I’ve also noticed this with Asian girls, though with them it’s “cuteness” instead of “hotness”
- 23 5 years ago, by @Turtlepik Also, getting naked isn’t as lucrative as it use to be, so women in places were a dollar goes a lot farther have more incentives.
5 years ago, by @JohnIan101
The answer to your question is, The Viking incursions and settlements of many parts of Russia. In fact the name Russia comes from the Swedish Viking people’s called the Rus. They’re hot But when they hit the wall they hit the wall!
5 years ago, by @Springheeledjack88
I thought she was Elizabeth Olsen there for a second.
- 5 years ago, by @OneCash0 Same.