I Like Lollipops. Give Me Yours?

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Home » Busty Asians » I Like Lollipops. Give Me Yours?
I Like Lollipops. Give Me Yours?
  • 4 years ago, by @Jonnywanks Okay
  • 4 years ago, by @isacASSimov2 Sick of all these all these fake hair, fake gamer, fake nerd twitch thots that o ly want purse piggies. Hope ur kids dont find ur shit one day.
  • 4 years ago, by @Oldishyoungish30 Is this photoshopped or airbrushed OP? Asking because the color looks like its edited with HDR
    • 4 years ago, by @Bubbawitz I'm guessing she got a new phone. You did what I did. Made it large and zoomed in. lol
      • 1 4 years ago, by @divisionmountain I use 1 phone and 1 ring light(LED Viltrox RL-600TI at 5000k temperature scale) . I have to zoom in to the picture and adjust the lighting with my phone. That's what I have. And everything is done after the picture is taken, because I'm not taking one picture at a time. Obviously. That's not efficient, detaching my phone all the time. So the photoshop is more about the lighting than the picture. It looks good to me at first glance, but the blurring is me adjusting the lighting. You can check my gifs. That's obviously still my body.
      • 3 4 years ago, by @Comedy_Central It just looks a tad unnatural to me, the outline of her body is almost 'chalked out', and the skin saturation are definitely played around with. Look around the arms, elbows, cleavage, am I looking at a real person or a cartoon character? Also asking because for this type of content, I feel like the audience would appreciate a more natural photo rather than heavily edited ones. Almost a turn off if you're gonna heavily edit/photoshop your post, especially with this low effort and comical HDR effect. What makes it weirder is OP needs no editing at all, her body is already oozing sex just look at the gifs she posted. Baffling af. Oh well, I don't buy OF so what do I know eh