Jumping In To Bed
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- 5 years ago, by @Analfister9 Bombs bursting in the air
5 years ago, by @notpotatoes
is it just me and does that seem like it would hurt imagine your balls doing that
5 years ago, by @four55birds
Yeah can any women comment as to whether quick jostling of the tits like this would hurt at all? It kinda looks like it would, but then I know women can go running or jumping around with their boobs floppin about, and I haven’t heard of that being painful, so maybe not?
- 1 5 years ago, by @Starscream1234 idk whenever it hot and my balls are hangin I jump on a hard surface like a chair half the time I hot ball and it hurts
5 years ago, by @four55birds
Yeah can any women comment as to whether quick jostling of the tits like this would hurt at all? It kinda looks like it would, but then I know women can go running or jumping around with their boobs floppin about, and I haven’t heard of that being painful, so maybe not?
- 5 years ago, by @thraway2821 if your boobs are big or big boobs do hurt