Gabbie Carter On The Ropes

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Home » Boob Bounce » Gabbie Carter On The Ropes
  • 4 years ago, by @Stemavesar Where is this from?
  • 4 years ago, by @carter_pride Such a slut, love it
  • 4 years ago, by @KrustyDanmakuFellow And sheeeeeee’s got him into a submission. To the side of the ring they go. 60 seconds on the clock. What’s he gonna do? Mr. Faceless is looking dazed out there. A ring out? NO!!!! She’s going for it! Watch out watch out watch out watch out!!! She’s GOT it! The one and only, *CRAB LIMBO OVERMOUNT!!* Faceless might not make it out of this one folks; that submission is a one way ticket to a stone cooooooollllldddd knockout! What fierce competition from The Gabster tonight, folks!!! Look at that beautiful pin!! This, ladies and gentlemen, is the result of dedicated submission practice in training. I cannot believe what I am seeing tonight, folks. Superb execution from The Gabster. Mr. Faceless is still hanging in there on the defensive, but that Crab Limbo Overmount might be lights out for him in the next 45 seconds. He’s gotta find a way out of this lockdown, and fast! You will **NOT** find brutal combat sports competition like this anywhere else on Earth!!