and nubile student Lucy Rodriguez is having some difficulties understanding her assigned lesson. “I do not understand this,” Lucy says to herself. “Where is myteacher?” Frustrated, Lucy turns her attention to something more important. Namely, her big, juicy milkers and sexy body. She rubs herpussy, squeezes her tits and sucks on her nipples. This is the traditional way for a voluptuous student to spend her time while waiting for herteacherto show up.

Finally herteacherarrives to catch Lucy misbehaving instead of working on her assignment. This stacked instructor, Miss Mer by name, is disapproving. “Miss, what are you doing?” she asks Lucy.

“I am bored,” Lucy replies. “I thought you were studying,” says Mer, playing with Lucy’s pigtails and dangling her large tits over Lucy’s face. Apparently, theteacher-student bond between these two honeys at thisschoolis very strong. There’s a lot they can both learn from each other with their looks and fantastic bodies. The…Watch Full Scene atScoreland

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